Extraordinary termination

Should you wish to terminate your rental contract outside of the ordinary notice period and/or termination date, then you’re aiming at an extraordinary termination. In order for you to be able to leave irrespective of the dates stated in your contract, certain requirements need to be met.It is advisable to send a letter to your landlord by registered mail stating your intention to leave outside the ordinary dates and that you’re looking for a replacement. You then need to find an acceptable tenant who’s solvent and willing to take over the property and contract under the same conditions. If you’ve found an interested person fulfilling these requirements, have them fill in an application form. Forward the application together with a copy of their debt-enforcement registry ("Betreibungsauszug") to your landlord. Don’t forget to state the date when your replacement would like to take over the apartment. The landlord will accept (or justifiably refuse) your replacement after thoroughly vetting her or him. You have to allow for two to four weeks for this process.